beaconsmind® Suite

In-Store Analytics

See the in-store shopping and purchasing behaviour of your customers.
In-Store Analytics

Track the local footprint of your customers and analyze in-store data.

Analyze and optimize the customer experience and your store operations.

Store Visits and Dwell Times

Track and analyze the shopping times as well as peak hours and days.

Shopping Trends

See the in-store shopping behavior of your customers by store visited and products purchased.

Customer Insights

Understand your customers expectations better by analyzing new and recurring customer behaviour, demographics and locations.

Store Visits and Dwell Times

View minimum, maximum and average shopping times as well as peak hours and days based on purchases and beacon contacts.

30 minutes
Average Shopping Time
in store marketing solutions
in store technology

Shopping Trends

See the in-store shopping and purchasing behaviour of your customers. Find out who your top customers are and how much revenue your bestsellers generate in each store.


Customer Insights

Understand your customers expectations better by analyzing new and recurring customer behaviour, demographics and locations. Build customer segments so you can execute dedicated marketing campaigns for every customer group.

Recurring Store Visits
in store beacons

You must always be one step ahead of the competition. Build an agile business that supports both speed and precision. With our in-store beacon technology, you can remain flexible in this rapidly evolving world to have the upper hand.

Our in-store beacons help you know your users and what they do with your app from top to bottom. Our platform offers unique in-store marketing solutions including cohort analysis, conversion funnels, profile data, and uninstall monitoring.

Have a real-time look at your customer’s in-store behavior using in-store analytics. In-store marketing enables a deeper comprehension of the customer, assisting you in making wise business decisions. Create profiles for each user who accesses your app, keeping demographic information as well as their various interactions, campaign visits, and transaction history.

beaconsmind® Suite

LBM SaaS capabilities developed according to the needs of retailers.

Get Started! Experience beaconsmind® in action!

Analytics and marketing all-in-one in a powerful SaaS solution.


    Connect the POS tools you already use.
